Wednesday, December 10, 2008

My Birthday.. 09/12

Hiya all...

At exactly 12 am, 09 Dec 2008, my beloved hubby woke me up to wish me Happy Birthday! He took Afwan's 'Fisher price' piano, played the birthday song tune and sang for me... I was so sleepy but I appreciate his thoughts and creativity and I know that he loves me very much! It was so sweetof him....
The day went on as usual, pegi keje & buat keje2 dkt opis...tapi at exactly 5 pm, I cabut coz nak celebrate birthday dgn dier... just the two of us! But we only had tea sb tak sampai hati nak ambil budak2 lambat sgt. Where did we go? Tu rahsia...but we had a great time together, lama da spend time together...... I'm grateful that we are still together despite the problems we faced during the first year of our marriage.
That's all for my birthday...the celebration was different from the ones I had when I was single but it was more satisfying.


Lizamurni Lokman said...


Happy birthday again..

See, at least he wished you on the dot....

azleenazib said...

Happy belated besday ... sori. So sweet 'abang' akak ek ... heheeh

aIdahaNiF said...

hepi b'day....
look u very happy.

Nita said...

happy belated bday, dear.
at least your hubby is creative! hehe! yeah, dont we all have some problems masa mula2 kawen. i had mine too. BIG time!! xoxo

hazel said...

Thanks all...